Semester 1

Paper 101
Study of a Genre/Shorter Narrative Forms
Study of various shorter narrative forms such as nouvelles, fable, conte, contes fantastiques etc.

Suggested   authors:   Jean   de   La   Fontaine,   Guy   de Maupassant, Voltaire, Gustave Flaubert, Charles Perrault, Charles  Nodier, E.T.A. Hoffmann,  Emile  Zola,  J.M.G.  Le Clezio, etc

Paper 102
Themes and Strategies in French & Francophone Literature [1] »
Study of particular themes along with the narrative, cultural & ideological strategies involved. Readings would be suggested on the basis of the theme chosen.

Paper 103
Cultural History of the French-speaking Countries [1]
The major social movements and their reflection in literature and the Arts.

Paper 104
Translation: Theory and Practice [1]
Study of the principles of translation, contrastive syntactical structures (French/English), translation of specific text types (French/English, English/French).

Semester 2

Paper 201
Study of a Genre/Novel
A selection of representative authors from the Middle Ages till the contemporary period.

Suggested   authors:   François   Rabelais,   Madame   de Lafayette, J.J. Rousseau, H. de Balzac, Gustave Flaubert, François-René  de  Chateaubriand, Stendhal,  Emile  Zola, André Malraux, André Gide, Albert Camus, Marcel Proust, Alain Robbe-Grillet, etc.

Paper 202
Themes and Strategies in French Literature [2] / Optional »
Study of particular themes along with the narrative, cultural, ideological strategies involved. Readings would be suggested by the Department on the basis of the theme chosen.*

Paper 203
Cultural History of the French-speaking Countries [2]
The major social movements and their reflection in literature and the Arts.

Paper 204
Interdisciplinary Course

* Theme for this year is India in other Literatures.


Semester 3

Paper 301
Study of a Genre/ Theatre
A selection of representative authors from the Middle ages till the contemporary period.

Paper 302
Optional Course

Paper 303
Translation: Theory and Practice [2]
Contrastive syntactical structures (French/English), translation of specific text types (French/English, English/French).

Paper 304
History of Western Thought
Study of the major philosophical ideas in their relatedness to developments in literature and the arts.

Semester 4

Paper 401
Study of Genre/Poetry
A selection of representative authors from the Middle ages till the contemporary period.

Suggested authors: Charles d'Orleans, Francois Villon, Pierre de Ronsard, J. du Bellay, Nicholas Boileau, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Musset, Alphonse de Lamartine, Gérard de Nerval, Charles Baudelaire, Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud, Apollinaire, Stephane Mallarme, Paul Valery, Andre Breton, Jacques Prevert, Michel Deguy, etc.

Paper 402
Optional Course

Paper 403
Interdisciplinary Course

Paper 404

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