Paper I    Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills (1)  100
Reading simple texts and answering questions on them. Guided writing will include subjects concerning the learner and his immediate environment.
Aim: To attain Level A1 partially*

Paper II Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills (1) 100
Listening to simple texts and answering questions on them. Monologues and /or dialogues will be on subjects concerning the learner and his immediate environment.
Aim: To attain Level A1 partially*


Paper III Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills (2)     100
Describing past events, reading, writing and understanding short texts including news items, instructions for use, emails, blogs, classified advertisements, biographies, invitations. Internet forums.
Aim: To complete Level A1 and to attain Level A2 partially*

Paper IV Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills (2) 100
Asking for and giving instructions, narrating past events, commenting on and presenting simple texts, describing visual materials (photos, pictures, etc)
Aim: To complete Level A1 and to attain Level A2 partially *


Paper V Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills (3)     100
Describing past events and future plans, reading, understanding and preparing posters, (theatre, film, books) newspaper articles, informal communication (letters, SMS, post cards, etc.) Preparing and managing interactions on an Internet forum. Chat.
Aim: To complete Level A2

Paper VI Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills (3) 100
Narration of past events including films, stories etc.; talking about future plans;
interviews and telephonic conversations;
Aim: To complete Level A2

Applied Course 2:

Microlanguages (1)                                                                                      100
Language for specific purposes including hospitality, tourism, banking, business, etc.


Paper VII Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills (4)  100
Studying different text types  to familiarize oneself with different kinds of language usages and styles including reading and understanding informative texts, short scientific texts, writing a film critique, summarising a press article, analysing and writing a summary of opinion poll results, reading a comic strip, writing a dialogue for a comic strip. Different language registers, understanding word formation. Preparing a slam.
Aim: To attain Level B1 partially*

PaperVIII Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills (4) 100
Summarising a film, preparing and conducting an opinion poll, conducting an interview, language games. Working with songs.
To attain Level B1 partially *

Applied Course 3

Microlanguages (2)                                                                                        100
Language for specific purposes with emphasis on translation of texts in the chosen areas (including birth, educational qualification, marriage, death, certificates, mark sheets etc)


Paper IX  Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills (5)   100
Asking for and giving instructions, comparing headlines and presentation of news in different newspapers, analysing an editorial, writing a short story, reading and analysing texts/articles on different social issues. Preparing a blog.
Aim: To complete Level B1 and attain Level B2 partially*

Paper X Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills (5)  100
Debating on various social issues, preparing, conducting and presenting results of opinion polls on various social issues, preparing and presenting a skit.
Aim: To complete Level B1 and attain Level B2 partially*

Paper XI Introduction to Literature (1)                                                     100
A selection of literary texts with focus on the major cultural and intellectual movements from the nineteenth century to contemporary times. The selection will include poems, plays and shorter and longer narrative texts.

Applied Course 4

Practice of Translation (1)                                                                             100
Introducing the student to the techniques of translation; texts from newspapers, journals, user manuals and excerpts from contemporary literature from target language to English/Hindi and vice-versa.


Paper XII Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills (6)  100
Describing and comparing education systems, reading and analysing texts/articles on various social issues, writing an open letter to the authorities, writing a petition, describing and analysing cultural representations, writing a short story. Writing blogs.
Aim: To complete Level B2

PaperXIII Language in Context:  Developing listening and speaking skills (6)100
Debates, oral presentations on various social issues, narrating one's experience of foreign language learning.
Aim: To complete Level B2

Paper XIV Introduction to Literature (2)                                                          100
A selection of literary texts with focus on the major cultural and intellectual movements from the nineteenth century to contemporary times. The selection will include poems, plays and shorter and longer narrative texts.

Applied Course 5

Practice of Translation (2)                                                                             100
Introducing the student to the techniques of translation; texts from newspapers, journals, user manuals and excerpts from contemporary literature from target language to English/Hindi and vice-versa. Subtitling and dubbing of films, documentaries etc.


Paper XV Reading Literature (1)                                                                   100
A selection of literary texts with focus on the major cultural and intellectual movements from the origins to the eighteenth century.

Paper XVI  Cultural History                                                                             100
The major social, political and cultural events from the medieval to contemporary period.

Paper XVII Research Methodology                                                            100
Types of research, how to conduct a research, formulating hypothesis, methods of data collection, analysis of data, documentation, citations, bibliography. Preparing a power point presentation.


Paper XVIII Reading Literature (2)                                                                100
A selection of literary texts with focus on the major cultural and intellectual movements from the nineteenth century to contemporary times with an emphasis on post-colonial literature

PaperXIX Introduction  to Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice100History of the language. What is a classroom? Models of learning/teaching. Different methods/approaches to teaching a Foreign language, Introduction to the four skills. What is a text book? Issues in material production.

Paper XX Research Project/ Dissertation                                                  100

Suggested Topics for Presentations/Projects

Discipline Course-I
Making a Video; Preparing a wall magazine; Creating a radio Program; Making
Comic strips; Review of plays, stories, etc.; Adaptation of Films, plays, stories, etc.

Applied Courses

Interviews via Internet; Making a video on themes related to languages for Specific Purposes (e.g. Hospitality, Tourism, Business, etc.); Making one's own CV; Translation of Educational Certificates, Birth/Marriage/ Death Certificates, etc.; Writing Letters of Motivation in Target Language

Prescribed  and  recommended  Readings »


Paper I
: Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills -1
Aula Internacional 1, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
(Suggested readings)
Nuevo Ven 1, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid 2004
Español sin Fronteras 1, SGEL, Madrid, 1998
Planet@ 1, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid, 2001
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department                               
Paper II: Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills -1
Aula Internacional 1, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper III: Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills – 2
Aula Internacional 1 & 2, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
(Suggested readings)
Nuevo Ven 1 & 2, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid 2004
Español sin Fronteras 1, SGEL, Madrid, 1998
Planet@ 1 & 2, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid, 2001
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper IV: Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills - 2
Aula Internacional 1 & 2, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available)
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper V: Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills - 3
Aula Internacional 2 & 3, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
(Suggested readings)
Nuevo Ven 2, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid 2004
Español sin Fronteras 2, SGEL, Madrid, 1998
Planet@ 2 & 3, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid, 2001
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper VI: Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills - 3
Aula Internacional 2 & 3, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper VII: Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills - 4
Aula Internacional 3, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
(Further readings)
Nuevo Ven 3, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid 2004
Español sin Fronteras 2, SGEL, Madrid, 1998
Planet@ 3, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid, 2001
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper VIII: Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills -4
Aula Internacional 3, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper IX: Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills -5
Aula Internacional 4, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
(Further readings)
Nuevo Ven 3, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid 2004
Español sin Fronteras 2, SGEL, Madrid, 1998
Planet@ 4, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid, 2001
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper X: Language in Context: Developing listening and speaking skills -5
Aula Internacional 4, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
(Further Materials)
Tema a Tema B1, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid, 2011
Tareas y proyectos en clase, Editorial Edinumen, 2001
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper XI: Introduction to Literature – 1
19th Century Literature
Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis: Sab, SeixBarral, 1986.
Pérez Galdós, Benito: Doña Perfecta (1876), EdicionesCátedra, Madrid.
Pérez Galdós, Benito: Miau, (1888), Ediciones Alba, Madrid, 1998.
Valera, Juan: Pepita Jiménez (1874), EdicionesCátedra, Madrid, 2001.
Duque de Rivas: Don Alvaro o la fuerzadel sino (1858), Cátedra, Madrid.
Zorilla, José: Don Juan Tenorio, (1844), Cátedra, Madrid, 1981.
Shorter Narrative Texts:
BreveBibliotecaHispánica, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1998.
Clarín, Leopoldo Alas: RelatosBreves, Castalia, Madrid, 1986.
Cuentos (Siglo XIX), ColeccionesCastalia, Madrid, 1999.
Larra, Mariano José de: Artículos de costumbre, Salvat, Madrid, 1969.
Literaturahispanoamericana 1 y 2, Ed. de Enrique Anderson Imbert y Eugenio Florit, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo: Rimas y leyendas, Colección Purpura. Madrid, 1970.
Espronceda, José de: El estudiante de Salamanca
Literaturahispanoamericana 1 y 2, Ed. de Enrique Anderson Imbert y Eugenio Florit, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970. 
20th Century Literature
Aldecoa, Josefina: Historia de unamaestra, Anagrama, Barcelona, 1990.
Allende, Isabel: Paula,
Atxaga, Bernardo: Esoscielos, punto de lectura, Madrid, 1996.
Delibes, Miguel: El príncipedestronado, EdicionesDestino, 1973.
García Márquez: Gabriel, La malahora, SeixBarral, 1961.
Martín Gaite, Carmen: Entre visillos, EdicionesDestino, 1957.
Rulfo, Juan: Pedro Páramo, SeixBarral, 1955. 
Skármeta, Antonio: No pasó nada, Delibro, 1980.
Buero Vallejo, Antonio: Historia de una escalera, 1949.
Buero Vallejo, Antonio: Tragaluz, 1967.
García Lorca, Federico: La casa de Bernarda Alba, 1936.
Mihura, Miguel: Tres sombreros de copa, 1932.
Paso, Alfonso: La corbata, 1963.
Shorter Narrative Texts:
América Latina cuenta, Ed. Francisco J Uriz, Edelsa, 1990.
BreveBibliotecaHispánica, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1998.
Cuentoespañol de posguerra, Ed. De Medardo Fraile, Cátedra, 1988.
Cuentos (1940 – 1960), ColeccionesCastalia, 2000.
Docecuentistasespañoles de la posguerra, Adelaida Burns (ed.), Harrap& Co.,1968. 
Literaturahispanoamericana 2, Ed. de Enrique Anderson Imbert y Eugenio Florit, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.
Relatosfantásticoslatinoamericanos 2, Editorial Popular, 1987.  
Antología de poesía del 27,
Conexiones, Eduardo Zayas-Bazán, Susan M Bacon y DulceGarcía, Prentice Hall, 1999.
Literaturahispanoamericana 2, Ed. de Enrique Anderson Imbert y Eugenio Florit, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.   
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper XII: Language in Context: Developing reading and writing skills -6
Aula Internacional 4, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
(Further Materials)
Tareas y proyectos en clase, Editorial Edinumen, 2001
Abanico, Editorial difusión, 1997
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper XIII: Language in Context:  Developing listening and speaking skills 6
Aula Internacional 4, Editorial difusión, Barcelona, 2006 (Indian Edition Available) 
(Further Materials)
Tema a Tema B2, Editorial Edelsa, Madrid, 2011
Tareas y proyectos en clase, Editorial Edinumen, 2001
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper XIV: Introduction to Literature – 2
19th Century Literature
Gómez de Avellaneda, Gertrudis: Sab, SeixBarral, 1986.
Pérez Galdós, Benito: Doña Perfecta (1876), EdicionesCátedra, Madrid.
Pérez Galdós, Benito: Miau, (1888), Ediciones Alba, Madrid, 1998.
Valera, Juan: Pepita Jiménez (1874), EdicionesCátedra, Madrid, 2001.
Duque de Rivas: Don Alvaro o la fuerzadel sino (1858), Cátedra, Madrid.
Zorilla, José: Don Juan Tenorio, (1844), Cátedra, Madrid, 1981.
Shorter Narrative Texts:
BreveBibliotecaHispánica, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1998.
Clarín, Leopoldo Alas: RelatosBreves, Castalia, Madrid, 1986.
Cuentos (Siglo XIX), ColeccionesCastalia, Madrid, 1999.
Larra, Mariano José de: Artículos de costumbre, Salvat, Madrid, 1969.
Literaturahispanoamericana 1 y 2, Ed. de Enrique Anderson Imbert y Eugenio Florit, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo: Rimas y leyendas, Colección Purpura. Madrid, 1970.
Espronceda, José de: El estudiante de Salamanca
Literaturahispanoamericana 1 y 2, Ed. de Enrique Anderson Imbert y Eugenio Florit, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970. 
20th Century Literature
Aldecoa, Josefina: Historia de unamaestra, Anagrama, Barcelona, 1990.
Allende, Isabel: Paula,
Atxaga, Bernardo: Esoscielos, punto de lectura, Madrid, 1996.
Delibes, Miguel: El príncipedestronado, EdicionesDestino, 1973.
García Márquez: Gabriel, La malahora, SeixBarral, 1961.
Martín Gaite, Carmen: Entre visillos, EdicionesDestino, 1957.
Rulfo, Juan: Pedro Páramo, SeixBarral, 1955. 
Skármeta, Antonio: No pasó nada, Delibro, 1980.
Buero Vallejo, Antonio: Historia de una escalera, 1949.
Buero Vallejo, Antonio: Tragaluz, 1967.
García Lorca, Federico: La casa de Bernarda Alba, 1936.
Mihura, Miguel: Tres sombreros de copa, 1932.
Paso, Alfonso: La corbata, 1963.
Shorter Narrative Texts:
América Latina cuenta, Ed. Francisco J Uriz, Edelsa, 1990.
BreveBibliotecaHispánica, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1998.
Cuentoespañol de posguerra, Ed. De Medardo Fraile, Cátedra, 1988.
Cuentos (1940 – 1960), ColeccionesCastalia, 2000.
Docecuentistasespañoles de la posguerra, Adelaida Burns (ed.), Harrap& Co.,1968. 
Literaturahispanoamericana 2, Ed. de Enrique Anderson Imbert y Eugenio Florit, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.
Relatosfantásticoslatinoamericanos 2, Editorial Popular, 1987.  
Antología de poesía del 27,
Conexiones, Eduardo Zayas-Bazán, Susan M Bacon y DulceGarcía, Prentice Hall, 1999.
Literaturahispanoamericana 2, Ed. de Enrique Anderson Imbert y Eugenio Florit, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970.   
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper XV: Reading Literature - 1
J. Manuel CabralesArteaga, Manual de literaturaespañola y latinoamericana, Madrid: SGEL, 2009.
Guillermo Hernández, Literaturaespañola y hispanoamericana 2 Madrid: SGEL 2009.
Excerpts from Fernando de Rojas, La Celestina (1502) Madrid: Cátedra 2002.
Anonymous,  Lazarillo de Tormes. (1554) Madrid: Cátedra 1990.
Miguel de Cervantes, Novelasejemplares (1613) Madrid: Cátedra, 1992.
Lope de Vega, Fuenteovejuna(1619) Madrid: Cátedra, 2006.
Francisco de Quevedo, (1600-1640) PoemassatíricosMadrid: Cátedra 2005.
Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, La verdadsospechosa (1624) Madrid: Cátedra, 2005.
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, (1680), Veintiunsonetos de amor, Madrid: Cátedra,2007.
Leandro F. de Moratín, El sí de las niñas (1801) Madrid: Cátedra 2002.
Paper XVI: Cultural History
Manuel Fernandez Alvarez, España, biografía de unanaciónMadrid:EspasaLibros SLU, 2011.
Manuel Fernandez Alvarez, Pequeña historia de España Madrid: EspasaLibros SLU, 2008.
Guillermo Hernández, De la edad media a la actualidad, Madrid: SGEL 2008.
Paper XVII: Research Methodology
The Craft of Research, Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, The University of Chicago Press, 2003.
Paper XVIII: Reading Literature – 2

  1. Joaquín de Lizardi, El periquillosarniento (1816). Madrid: Cátedra, 1997.
  2. Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Facundo (1845). Buenos Aires: Ediciones Culturales Argentinas 1961.
  3. José Hernández, Martín Fierro (1872). Barcelona: Labor, 1972.
  4. CiriloVillaverde, Cecilia Valdés (1839). Madrid; Cátedra, 1992.
  5. José Martí, Versos sencillos(1891). Madrid: Cátedra 1994.
  6. Ignacio Altamirano, El Zarco (1901). MéxicoPorrúa, 1989.
  7. Pablo Neruda, Veintepoemasde amor (1924). Madrid: Austral, 1997.
  8. Eduardo Galeano, Memoriadel Fuego (1982-1986). Madird: Siglo XXI. 2007.
  9. Octavio Paz, El laberinto de la soledad (1950). Madrid: Cátedra 2004.
  10. Carlos Fuentes, Aura. México : Era, 1962.
  11. Jorge Luis Borges, La biblioteca de Babel (1941) Madrid: C’atedra, 2002.
  12. Mario Vargas Llosa, La tía Julia Barcelona: SeixBarral, 1977.

Paper XIX: Introduction to Foreign Language Teaching: Theory and Practice
J. Richards and T. Rogers (2001) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
(Indian edition available)
Littlewood, T. (1998) La enseñanzacomunicativadelidioma: Introducción al enfoquecomunicativo, Cambridge University Press, Madrid
Baralo, M. (1998) “Teorías de adquisición de lenguasextranjeras y suaplicación a la enseñanza del español”  Experto en Enseñanza del EspañolcomoLenguaExtranjera, Fundación Antonio Nebrija. Programa de Formación de profesores a distancia, Madrid.
Additional Materials to be provided by the Department
Paper XX: Research Project/ Dissertation

Text- The Craft of Research, Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, The University of Chicago Press, 2003.

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