
Journal of the Department of Germanic & Romance Studies
University of Delhi
ISSN 0971-6483

germinal brings together papers presented at the annual international conference held each year on a specific theme.

The following issues of germinal have appeared so far:

Volume 1 Fascism and Culture, Ed. by Shaswati Mazumdar, 1994
Volume 2 Contemporary European Images of India, Ed. by Vibha Maurya, 1999
Volume 3 Literature and Exile, Ed. by Sharmistha Lahiri, 1999-2000
Volume 4 Romanticism and Modernity. Ed. by Shaswati Mazumdar, Claudia Wenner, Sharmistha Lahiri, 2007
Volume 5 Autobiography: Fact and Fiction. Edited by Rosy Singh, 2009

Apart from Volume 1, all other volumes have been published as books:

Encountering the Indian: Contemporary European Images of India. Edited by Vibha Maurya. Aryan Books International, New Delhi 1999, 157 p.,
ISBN 81-7305-162-3

Inhabiting The Other: Essays On Literature And Exile, Edited by Sharmistha Lahiri, New Delhi, Aryan Books International, 2001, 207 p.,
ISBN 81-7305-205-0

Romanticism and Modernity. Conceptions of Art, Society and Politics in the Modern World. Edited by Shaswati Mazumdar, Claudia Wenner, Sharmistha Lahiri, New Delhi, Aryan Books International, 2007, 220 p.,
ISBN 81-7305-328-6

Autobiography: Fact and Fiction. Edited by Rosy Singh, New Delhi, Aryan Books International, 2009, 243p.,
ISBN 978-81-7305-366-5

Other issues are in the pipeline.

For subscriptions, contact "The Editor, germinal, Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007".

Volume 1
Fascism and Culture

Ed. by Shaswati Mazumdar
Hanna Papanek
The Ideal Woman and the Ideal Society: Failed Visions and Broken Promises in Nazi Germany
Aijaz Ahmad
Structure and Ideology in Italian Fascism
Florent Le Bot
Use and Abuse of Greek Antiquity by the Extreme Right in Contemporary France
Translated from the French by Arun Rashmi Tickoo
Brij Tankha
Japan: Defining a Modern Identity
Margit Köves
Myths and Realities: Jewish Identity in Hungary at the Turn of the Century
Sumit Sarkar
The Anti-Secularist Critique of Hindutva: Problems of a Shared Discursive Space
Nalini Taneja
Populism, Hintutva, Imperialism: An Anti-Modernity Paradigm for the Third World
Dhruv Raina
Changing Perspectives of Science and Politics: Nazism and the Science of Rassen Hygiene
Manfred Stassen
Idle Silence (Geschweige): Heidegger’s Philosophy in the Context of Fascist Ideology. The French Connection
Sunil Kumar
A Medieval Tank and Modern Urban Planning: Local Society and the Haud-i-Rânî
Sreemati Chakrabarty
Tasleema Nasreen and Fundamentalism
Julio Rodríguez-Puértolas
Spanish Fascist Literature and the Nationalist Discourse on Identity
Adapted and translated from the Spanish by Vibha Maurya
Minni Sawhney
Latin American Nationalism: Its Discourses and the Disposability of the Indian and his History
Vijaya Venkatraman
Emergent Fascism and the Generation of 1898 in Spain
Radha Sharma
Two Conceptions of Man: French Interwar Literary Responses to Fascism
Jyoti Sabarwal
Fuzzy Identities: Childhood Memories of Fascism
-An annotated translation of sections of Ernst Toller’s autobiography
Kusum Aggarwal
Fascism and Colonialism: Some Implications of Otherness

Volume 2
Contemporary European Images of India

Ed. by Vibha Maurya
(also published as a book » )
Shashi Raina
Edward John Thompson: Grasping the Colony
Margit Köves
The English Curator and the Buddhist Doctor: Charles Fábri’s Identities in India
Radha Sharma
India Mirrored in Contemporary French Writings
Chitra Harshvardhan
Bridging Differences? Translation Anthologies: Constructing the “Other”
Ranjani Mazumdar
Orientalism Redefined: Studies of Salaam Bombay and Mississippi Masala
Gerhard Koch
Franz Osten: from Munich Cinema to “Bombay Talkies”. Translated from German by Jyoti Sabharwal”
Brigitte Schulze
Subjected Non-Subjects: “Indians” of German Cinema and TV Screen
Vibha Maurya
Oriental Images in Contemporary Spanish Writings and Politics of Publication

Volume 3
Literature and Exile

Ed. by Sharmistha Lahiri
(also published as a book » )
Lalita Subbu
Art, Exile and the Case of James Joyce: A Note
Dominique Sarfaty-Varma
Albert Camus: Kingdom of Exile - A Biblical Paradigm in Exile and the Kingdom
Hema V. Raghavan
The Exile in the Plays of Samuel Beckett
Rajakrishnan V.
The Land of the Dead in Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Singh and Some Reflections Based on Indian Response to the Theme of Exile
Rosy Singh
Milan Kundera and ‘Forgetting’ as a Metaphor
Maria Alzira Seixo
Faces of Exile in Portuguese Literature
Alberto Carvalho
Travel and Metaphors of Exile in African Literature in Portuguese
Fernando Cristóvão
Two Exiles in the Contemporaneous Brazil
Ana Paula Laborinho
Camilo Pessanha and the Poetry of Exile
Margit Köves
Sunday Circle on Mondays: Exile in Vienna
Manfred Stassen
Neither Here nor There: Reflections on German-German Exile
Shaswati Mazumdar
Brecht’s “Fugitives in Conversation”
Stefano Fossati
Notes on Fontamara
Mircea Itu
God was born in Exile: Mircea and the Recuperation of the Scared
Pratibha Bhattacharya
Exile Blossomed-The Case of Yiddish Literature
Vijaya Venkataraman
Exile as Recuperation of the Past in Augusto Roa Bastos’ El Fiscal
Sonya S. Gupta
Exile as Ex-centricity: Juan Goytisolo’s Rehabilitation of Moorish Spain in Reivindicaiòn del Conde don Juliàn
Antonia Cabanilles
I shall Inhabit My Name or Memory of Oblivion

Volume 4
Romanticism and Modernity

Ed. by Shaswati Mazumdar, Claudia Wenner, Sharmistha Lahiri
(also published as a book » )
Shaswati Mazumdar, Claudia Wenner, Sharmistha Lahiri
Colonial Romanticism and the Challenges of Modernity
Namwar Singh
Henry David Thoreau and Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Romantics, Rebels or Reactionaries?
Tapan Basu
Romanticism and the Roots of Brazilian Nationalism
Dilip Loundo
Alexander Pushkin: A Revolutionary Romantic or a Pragmatic Realist?
Abhai Maurya
Romantic Quest and the Forsterian Vision in Howards End
Lalita Subbu
'Can you locate us in the past'? English Romanticism's Response to Modernism
Krishnan Unni P.
Inverted Sights
Margit Köves
New Consciousness of Time: The Scene of the Ball
Dominique de Gasquet
Rahel Varnhagen (1771-1833) The Question of Emancipation
Kavita Bhatia
Nature And Fear: Two Conditions in European Romantic Painting
Virginia Nieto-Sandoval Millán
Kant and the Limits of Rationality: A Reading of Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
Rekha Basu
What is Modernity: Habermas and/or de Man
Kathleen Kerr

Volume 5

Autobiography: Fact and Fiction
Ed. by Rosy Singh
(also published as a book » )
Rosy Singh
Autobiography, Plural Authorship and the Death of the Author
Alessandro Portelli
Autobiographies of Dalit Authors and the Question of Disha and Dasha
Abhai Maurya
De-scribing the Indian Woman: New Autobiographical Ventures by Indian Women Writers in English
Suchitra Mathur
Family Lexicon of Natalia Ginzburg: Re-living Life in Words
Sharmistha Lahiri
Autobiographies of Contemporary Intellectuals: What to Make of Them
Remo Ceserani
The “Stasi” as Eckermann. Reflections on Christa Wolf’s Post-Wall Autobiography What’s Left
Manfred Stassen
“As if I were in a Novel…”: Péter Esterhàzy’s Corrected Version
Margit Köves
Mended Holes of Memory. The Meaning of Pictures in Elias Canetti’s Autobiography:
The Tongue Set Free, The Torch in my Ear, The Play of the Eyes
Carmen Ulrich
At the Border of Autobiographical Writing: Peter Handke’s Report of a Consciousness
Dorothea Jecht
“It ain’t me, Babe”
Bob Dylan’s Chronicles between Concealment and Disclosure
Dirk Wiemann
Theory as Autobiography: Music and Childhood Reminiscences as Autobiographical Elements in the Works of Theodor W. Adorno
Romit Roy
Kafka’s Letters to Felice Bauer: A Lover’s Discourse
Rosy Singh
Giorgio De Chirico’s Memories of my Life
Patrizia Raveggi
Autobiographical Paradox of Alberto Savinio
Sanja Roić
Lyrical Autobiography: Life, Death and Self in Lyrical Poetry of Heiner Müller and Thomas Kling
Swantje Lichtenstein
Autobiography as Critique: De Man and the Realists
Kathleen Kerr-Koch
The “I”, “Tituba” and the “Black Witch” in Maryse Condé's Postcolonial-Feminist-Fictional- Auto/Biographical Song
Amy Wai-Sum Lee