News & Events

| Workshops | Lectures | Cultural Events

Up-Coming Events:

The India Chapter of Women in Localization will be organising an event at the Department on 3rd May 2024 at 11:30 am, where information about the localization industry will be provided, this will be followed by a Q&A session. Further details about the event, the organiser and the QR Code for registration can be found in the attached poster. Entry to the event is restricted to 40 persons only.

SPANISH DAY on 18 April, 2024 - Addressing participants, Group Photo

Talk on the Poetry Collection "The Alphabets of Latin America: A Carnival of Poems", by Abhay K (Poet-diplomat) - Pics,

Cultural program related to spring traditions in Romania on Friday, 1st March 2024 from 10:30 am

Lecture titled "The Real Game of Thrones? When Fantasy Goes Medieval" by Prof.Dr. Racha Kirosasian from the University of Freiburg, Germany on 29.02.2024 from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Workshop on Didactics of Italian Language: Teaching and Learning, 12- 13 February 2024 at 10:30 am

Lecture on "Words that contact: Tracing the Literary Thread Between Italy and India via Translation"by Prof. Stefania Cavaliere on 9th February 2024 at 1:30 pm

Second session of the GRS Book Club - 13th February (Tuesday) from 2:30 onwards in room number 32

Ibero American Voices (IBAV)-2023: 7 December 2023 at 11:00 am

Inaugural session of the Faculty Induction Programme- Pedagogical Imperatives for Creating Quality Learning Environment for All : Capacity Building Programme for Teachers in Higher Education, held on Friday, December 1, 2023 at 03:00 p.m. in the Multipurpose Hall, Delhi University Sports Complex by the University.

Lecture titled "Foreign Language learning and Employability," by Dr Julia Augart, University of Wuppertal.30 Nov.2023, Thursday 10:30 am

A talk on Financial Awareness: Speaker - Mr. Sanjeet Rawat (Associated Financial Advisor, NJ India Invest Pvt Ltd)

The Presentation of Hindi Translation of the book Viajemos a Historias Eternas de El Salvador by Salvadorean author Federico Navarrete on 15th November 2023 at 11:00 am

Teaching Workshop on 13th October 2023 conducted by Spanish Section

Panel discussion of European Writers, 21 September 2023

Workshop on 15th September 2023 about Gender Sensitisation

Conferencia LAS MUJERES DE LA Generacion del 27 by Prof. Rosa Fernandez Urtasun, Universidad de Navarra on 21st August 2023 at 2:30 pm

Department of Germanic and Romance Studies and Embassy of Portugal celebrates World Portuguese Language Day - 5 May 2023 on 2 May 2023 in presence of Prof. Minni Sawhney and Mr. Joao Robeiro de Almeida (The Ambassador of Portugal in India) Jose Luis Peixoto (Famous Contemporary portuguese writer)

Office of International Relations and Department of Germanic and Romance Studies University of Delhi Invite to Meet Nobel Prize LAUREATE (Literature) 2022 Madam Annie Ernaux

Talk by Indo-Maurician writer, Ananda Devi, on 24 January 2023 from 10:00 am in Room No. 22, Faculty of Arts

Gender Equality Workshop - 23rd January 2023 at 12:00 noon in Room No. 22, Faculty of Arts

Talk on 24th January 2023 from 11:00 am by Dominican writer Frank Baez in Room No. 32, Dept. of GRS, Faculty of Arts.

Romanian Studies Programme on 24th November 2022: Ambassador Daniela Tane, Prof. Amitava Chakraborty, Dean Faculty of Arts, Prof. Minni Sawhney, Head, Dept. of GRS in Romanian Studies Programme, Prof. Rajni Abbi, Proctor, University of Delhi participated in the event. Prof. Farida Irani chaired the event.

Presentation of the Assistant ship program by the French Institute in India for BA3 and MA2 Students on 12th October 2022.

Long Night of Literatures 2022 - Theme: “Reconsidering Europe in India in 2022” - 22 September 2022

Visit of the Ambassador and Ms. Yvonne Bonilla of El Salvador in Delhi on 25th July 2022 at 11:00 am.

Talk on " Identity terms: Latino (Latina, Latinx) and Hispanic. With which term do people identify? " by Emilia Alonso-Marks (Institute for the Empirical Study of Language, Ohio University) on 18th July 2022 at 11:00 am

17th Francophone festival on 19th April 2022

Winter School - Understanding Displacement to be held on 22 - 26 February 2021

Concept note

IBAV 2020:

Lecture Series by Prof. Claire Ducournau, University Paul Valery Montpellier-3

Workshop by Prof. Elke Liebs, University of Potsdam on 27th January 2020 from 11:30 to 3:30 pm.

German Day, 8th November 2019

Mr. Olivier Mongin, French essayist,writer and philosopher will deliver a lecture on "Paul Ricœur: the question of identity or that of migration presented by Paul Ricœur
(while discussing globalization and the resurgence of violence in the context of globalization which is not only an economic phenomenon)
" on 23 October 2019 at 11 am.

Lecture on "Littérature mauriciennes et explorations contemporaines" by Kumari Issur University of Mauritius on 3rd October 2019 at 12:00 noon

German teachers workshop on 3rd and 4th October 2019 by Prof. Ursula Kocher

Long Night Literature on 26 September 2019

Portuguese Teachers Training Workshop (25-28th September 2019)

Film Screening and lecture series titled, Writing the City though Cinema by Dr Harald Pittel, University of Potsdam on 3 to 6 September 2019. Lectures will be delivered on:

1. Berlin in the 1920s, 2. The Divided City, 3. Turkish Berlin, 4. City of (Lost Dreams)

Lecture on "Society and Culture in Al Andalus" by Prof. Vicente Ballesteros, University of Granada on 29 April 2019 at 10:30 am

Lecture on "The Craft of Interpretation" by Malini Gupta, freelance simultaneous and consecutive interpreter (English - French - Hindi) for the Ministry of External Affairs and other organizations on 5 April 2019 at 2:00 pm

Talk by Mr. Shiv Kumar Singh, Director of the Center for Indian Studies in the University of Lisbon on "Indo-European Relations through Portuguese and Hindi" on Tuesday, 12th March 2019, at 3pm

Lecture by Prof. Hartmut Rosa, Director, Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, Erfurt, Germany on “Social Acceleration, Alienation and Resonance: A New Theory of Modernityon 5 March 2019 at 11.30 am in Room no. 32

Talk by Prof. Almuth Degener on New Perspectives on Translation Theory and the Politics of Translation, on 01.03.19 at 11:00 AM.

Confluence - 2019:

TheInternational Francophonie Day was celebrated with the annual cultural festival under the aegis of Confluence 2019. Various competitions were conducted from 28 February onwards culminating on 1 March 2019 with the finals. Approximately 300 students from various colleges of the University of Delhi and other universities participated in competitions in areas such as poetry, song, theatre, cuisine, quiz, essay writing, poster making etc.

This year the guests of honour included Mr. Dominic Marcotte, Director of Quebec Consulate, Ms. Maryline Laidin, Attaché for Cooperation in the Teaching of the French Language from the French Institute in India, Embassy of France, and Mr. Emile M. Wepesi, and Mr. Mucyo Rutishisha, Deputy Consellors, High Commission of Rwanda graced the occasion.

Lecture on “The Concept of Similarity in Comparative Literature” by Prof. Anil Bhatti, Professor Emeritus on 22 February 2019 at 2:00 p.m.

Workshop by German Section on 19 February 2019 from 10:00 to 5:00 pm

Discussion on Italian Language and Culture with Dr. Pietro Sferra Carini, Minister Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Dr. Chiara Petracca, Counsellor, Head of Press and Cultural Affairs, Dr. Valentina Ierna, Director of Unitalia. Students of Italian from the Department and the colleges participated the discussions. The event was conceived by the Italian Visiting Lecturer Enrico Arman jointly with colleagues from the Italian Section on 19 February 2019 at 11:00 a.m.

In honour of the 20th Anniversary of the Award of the Nobel Prize for Literature to the Portuguese writer José Saramago, the Department hosted a exhibition on his life and his works. February 14-21.

Lecture on the Life and the Writings of José Saramago, the Portuguese writer who was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998, by Celia Guido Mendes, Visiting Lecturer in Portuguese Language and Culture, on February 15 2019 at 2:00 pm

The Department of Germanic and Romance Studies (University of Delhi) and French Institute in India for college teachers and research scholars of French organised a workshop on “Managing large groups in an oral expression class of FLE” on Saturday, 19th January 2019

Harald Pittel Lecture, 11 October 2018 at 3:00 pm

Portuguese Teachers' Training Workshop, 27 to 29 September 2018

Long Night of Literature on 26 September 2018 at 11:30 a.m.

Panel discussion on 8th January 2018 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. wherein writers from various countries like France, Germany, Italian, Portugal, Spain etc

Workshop on Didactics 26-28 October 2017

Workshop on Translation 16-17 October 2017

Lecture series- 27 January 2017

Professor Alfonso Garcia Osuna (City University of New York), "The Impact of the United States Film Industry on Latin American Identity Patterning" and "Suite Habana: Doctrine, Melancholy and Cultural Change in the New Cuba" Tentative Dates: second week of January 2017.
Professor Florencia Garramuno (University of San Andres, Buenos Aires), "Experiments in Contemporary Literature" and "Tango Samba, Nation : Cultural Forms and National Identity". Tentative Dates: Second Week of January, 2017.

Professor Inmaculada Santos Diaz (University of Malaga, Spain), Workshop on Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. Tentative Dates 21-25 August 2016.

Talks in February 2016 Dr. Esterino Adami, University of Turin, talk on "The Reinvention of Italian cuisine in Anglo Saxon Imagination".Tentative dates: 20-26 February 2016.

Prof. Claude Chastagner, Director of Graduate Studies in Applied Foreign Languages, University of Paul Valery, Montpellier. Talks on i) May 1968; ii) Impact of Blues Music on Western Sounds.

Clara Penalver, crime writer will deliver a talk on 18th January 2016 in Spanish at 2.30 p.m. in Room No. 32. (Courtesy Instituto Cervantes)

Talk by Valeria Manca (Rusell Liceo, Rome Italy) on 22 December 2015 on "Eroticism and the Feminine in Latin American literature".

Visit of Ambassador of Portugal H.E. Jorge Roza de Oliveira for Portuguese day on 24th September 2015.

Talk by Andrea Bianchetti (Italian section) on 24th September 2015.

Talk by Asha Miro (Nasik/ Mumbai/Barcelona) in Spanish "Historia de mi vida: Libros que transforman" (courtesy Cervantes Institute) on 24th September at 2.30 p.m. in Room No. 32 of the Department

Viva of Hemlata Giri (French) on 23 October 2015, 11:00 a.m.

Lecture on Emile Zola by Professor Pages (Professor of French Literature at Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Paris 3) on Wednesday 28 October 2015, 12 noon on the topic : « Zola et l’affaire Dreyfus : le moment de l’engagement » – « Zola et la défense de la liberté d’expression » – « Actualités de l’affaire Dreyfus » – « Les engagements d’Emile Zola : de Germinal à l’affaire Dreyfus ».
Lectures by Dr. Dominique de Gasquet 16th to 18th November 2015, All days at 12 noon.
i) Dialogue des cultures Marguerite Yourcenar /Yukio Mishima
ii) Nouvelles orientales : Comment wang Fô fut sauvé
iii) Cinq no modernes de Mishima trad. de Yourcenar
4. Lecture by Dr. Giovanna Minardi, Associate Professor (Latin American Literature) University of Palermo Italy, (Tentative Date between 14-19 December 2015) on Mexican Revolution and Nellie Campobello.

Subject: Foundation Day, 1 May 2015

The University of Delhi, established on 1st May 1922, has been celebrating its Foundation Day for the last few years. The celebrations this year will be held on Friday, 1st May 2015 at 9.45 am with flag hoisting and followed by a programme at the Convention Hall, Viceregal Lodge, University of Delhi.

Professor Upendra Baxi, Former Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi has kindly agreed to grace the occasion as Chief Guest. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dinesh Singh will preside on the occasion.

All are welcome.

Crime and Literature
March 2015
